`//Drag Function MovieClip.prototype.Press = function() { this.startDrag(); };

//Release Function MovieClip.prototype.Release = function() { this.stopDrag(); if(eval(this._droptarget) == landingArea) { this.enabled = false counter = counter + 1; trace(counter); if (counter == 4) { trace("You Got Them All!") }; }; };

MovieClip.prototype.Actions = function() { this.onPress = Press; this.onRelease = Release; };

mc_One.Actions(); mc_Two.Actions(); mc_Three.Actions(); mc_Four.Actions();

/* Usage: Create 4 MC give instance names or
mc_One, mc_Two, mc_Three, mc_Four
Crate one more and give instance name
of landingArea.
Place script on frame 1 and drag and drop
mc_One - Four
To landingArea. Once all of them have landed
the counter will Start
and the dragging functions will be disabled so the user
Cant move them. Hope this helps */`

You can find a sample here

Drag and Drop Samplehttp://www.humanletter.com/tutorials/draganddrop.html