Error SVN Checksum missmatch while updating


svn: Checksum mismatch while updating ‘thenameofyourfile.ext’; expected: ‘e0585e8a5e638c6d5490ab2feb9b4267’, actual: ‘d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e’


open the “entries” file that lives inside the “.svn” folder in a text editor. I use TextMate
Do a “find” and look for the expected checksum. In the example above is “e0585e8a5e638c6d5490ab2feb9b4267”
Replace with the actual checksum. In the example above is “d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e”
Done. Now you can commit your changes.

Possible roadblocks

The entries file needs to be writable.

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7 thoughts on “Error SVN Checksum missmatch while updating

  1. doesn’t work here — now i get

    svn: Checksum mismatch while updating ‘thenameofyourfile.ext’; expected: ‘d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e’, recorded: ‘e0585e8a5e638c6d5490ab2feb9b4267’

    not much of an improvment, isn’t it?
    shouldn’t be so hard to fix a local issue, i never understood why svn is so picky about local problems …

    1. Rather replacing checksum number, just remove the record carefully in “entries” file. Textpad will do. 😉


  2. a mi me funciono borranodo el registro, salio lo mismo le di ctr+z para volver como estaba guarde y listo. muchas gracias.

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