[kml_flashembed movie=”/labs/swf/iHold2.swf” height=”240″ width=”300″ quality=”best” fvars=”fs=/imgs/recognition/amazonmp3.jpg&click=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/163856011/” /]
Amazon has decided to sell MP3 audio files on their site. Although this might not sound impressive at first since there are a lot of companies who are selling Mp3s already. The reallity is that this is the first well established company that will try to compete face to face with Apple (Itunes).
Some of the benefits are that you can play your downloaded files on any platform, from ITunes to Zune and more while if you bought any Mp3s from Itunes you can only play them in your IPod.
Another thing to note is that the music you download wont be “one-price-fits-all” tag but the prices vary from 89 cents to 99 cents. Instead of the Itunes 99 cents price for all songs.
I hope that Amazon will take a stab to video as well :).