Flash Volume Controler ActionScript 2

[kml_flashembed movie=”/labs/swf/volumeExperiment.swf” height=”150″ width=”450″ /]

I had a good friend ask me if I knew of a resource for a volume controler, and I didn’t know of any tutorial or code of the top of my head so I went ahead and wrote it for AS2 so I hope this can help some others out there.

[as]import mx.utils.Delegate;

//Set Variables
var mySnd :Sound;
var levelSpeed :Number;
var musicOn :Boolean;

//SetUp Items

mySnd = new Sound();
levelSpeed = 5;
volLevel_txt.text = 100;
volSpeed_txt.text = levelSpeed;
musicOn = false;

volumeOn_mc.onRelease = Delegate.create ( this, volOn);
volumeOff_mc.onRelease = Delegate.create ( this, volOff);
control_mc.onRelease = Delegate.create ( this, controls);

//Functioins ** DANGER 🙂
function volOn() : Void {

var volLev = getVolume();

onEnterFrame = function() {

var volLev = getVolume();
var levelSpeed = getSpeed();

if (volLev < 100 ) { setVolume( volLev + levelSpeed); }else{ setVolume(100); delete onEnterFrame; trace("sound on"); } } }; function volOff() : Void { onEnterFrame = function() { var volLev = getVolume(); var levelSpeed = getSpeed(); if (volLev > 0 ) {

setVolume( volLev – levelSpeed);

delete onEnterFrame;
trace(“sound off”);

function getSpeed():Number {
return (volSpeed_txt.text > 100 ? (100,setSpeed(100)) : Number(volSpeed_txt.text) );

function setSpeed(val) {
volSpeed_txt.text = val

function getVolume():Number {

return mySnd.getVolume();

function setVolume(val) :Void {

volLevel_txt.text = val;

function controls() {

if (musicOn == false) {
musicOn = true;
}else {
musicOn = false;

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2 thoughts on “Flash Volume Controler ActionScript 2

  1. Hi,

    I was wondering if you had the fla file available for this project still, I’d like to check it out.



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