[kml_flashembed movie=”/labs/swf/iHold.swf” height=”150″ width=”450″ quality=”best” fvars=”fs=/imgs/adobe/adobeAir.jpg” /] For all Developers out there it is nice to hear that Adobe is running a contest where you could win as much as US$100,000 to be used for the travel of your choice among other goodies such as a Mac Pro 8Core 2x750GB storage, 2×27″ WS Monitors and […]
Month: July 2007
Flash Volume Controler ActionScript 2
[kml_flashembed movie=”/labs/swf/volumeExperiment.swf” height=”150″ width=”450″ /] I had a good friend ask me if I knew of a resource for a volume controler, and I didn’t know of any tutorial or code of the top of my head so I went ahead and wrote it for AS2 so I hope this can help some others out […]