Title: Dynamic Sliders Numero 2 After working with the previous version of the sliders -se previous post-. I had the opportunity to “upgrade” the sliders since there was a slight chance that the sliders had to react to only one button rather than two as originally planned. Needless to say it wasn’t required to apply […]
Category: Tutorials
Dynamic Sliders
So I was working on a project where we needed some sliders, it was basically the same slider but in different sizes and positions. So today I was sitting there just wondering how I could make this more dynamic, and just put a small class together and created a small sample. Updating the sliders the […]
Buggy Buttons converted to MovieClips in the Library
So I was running in to the following problem: **Warning** The linkage identifier ‘RewindBtn’ was already assigned to the symbol ‘FLVPlayer_assets/Buttons/Rewind’, and cannot be assigned to the symbol ‘FLVPlayer_assets/Buttons/Rewind’, since linkage identifiers must be unique. But in reallity I only had 1 button called Rewind with the Link ID of RewindBtn and nothing else. I […]
GoDaddy and MySQL access
If you are a developer and you do some sort of backend work there is a chance one of your clients might ask you to install an application in GoDaddy servers. So if you are trying to connect to a dabase within your application what GoDaddy recommends is to use mysql.secureserver.net as your hostname. Maybe […]
Loading a RSS feed into Flash
[as]// create a new XML object var sports:XML = new XML(); // set the ignoreWhite property to true (default value is false) sports.ignoreWhite = true; // After loading is complete, trace the XML object sports.onLoad = function(success) { trace(sports); }; // load the XML into the sports object sports.load(“http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/sports”);[/as]
Multiple MovieClips only One Script Advanced (Flash MX)
Tutorial details: Written by: Helmut Granda , MX Time: 15 minutes Difficulty Level: Intermediate Requirements: Flash MX, READ THIS TREAD Topics Covered: How to avoid writing code inside every single MovieClip and load dynamic content. Assumed knowledge: Variables, Functions, MovieClips, Buttons In our previews tutorial we learned how we can place our code in one […]
Multiple MovieClips only One Script (Flash MX)
Tutorial details: Written by: Helmut Granda , Flash MX Time: 15 minutes Difficulty Level: Intermediate Requirements: Flash MX Topics Covered: How to avoid writing code inside every single MovieClip. Assumed knowledge: Variables, Functions, MovieClips, Buttons S J Mangold Asked at flashnewbie mailing list the following question: I could use some help with the next step […]