Seven Up

I dont understand why would would have a video of Britney Spears. SevenUP Check it out

Jaci’s New Site

Jaci’s New Site

Face Transplant

Burns girl to have first face transplant

On Line Guitar Diccionary

I havent look around the whole site, but I read somewhere else it is supposed to be good. soo…..Clicky

LW artists needed to work on Quake 4

Raven is looking to hire: 2D/3D Texture and World Model Artist Position for Quake 4: Raven is looking for a 2-D/3-D artist to concept, build, and paint complex textures and world models for Quake 4. We prefer an artist with experience working in the PC gaming industry, with an understanding of creating textures and world […]

Game Testers Wanted

You ever wanted to get paid for Playing on your computer? This is your chance! Blizzard Entertainment Job Opportunities

A new way of chatting Created with Flash MX, yeahhhh!

Do not panic

im still getting AOL (i know) :o( I should be up and running next Tuesday the March the 4th, Sooo do not panic, everything should be fine. yahooooOOOoo, I mean AOOooooOOOOL


I didnt get Road Runner!! WHAAAAAAA :o(

Nigerian Scams, at least 15 people have been murdered as part of these scams

She’s a widow, he’s a high-ranking government official. They have fallen on hard times and urgently request your assistance to get a large sum of money out of Nigeria. They will reward you handsomely for your help. Chances are you’ve seen something like that in your e-mail box. Perhaps in a bored moment you’ve wondered […]