[kml_flashembed movie=”/labs/swf/iHold.swf” height=”150″ width=”450″ quality=”best” fvars=”fs=/imgs/adobe/flashplayer10.jpg” /] The name is out! Emmy Huang, product manager for Adobe Flash Player released the code name for the Flash Player 10 “Astro” and for those lucky ones that will be able to make it to MAX this year they will be able to see what “Astro” can do […]
Category: News
MVC (Model-View-Controller) – Essential ActionScript 2.0
I had a few hours to spare the other day and I created the diagram (sketch) above trying to understand Colin Moock’s take in the subject. One post won’t cover all the ins and outs of this Design Pattern but its more of a review and study of the author’s view.
UPS Out of the Box
I had the opportunity to work on Out of the Box mini site for UPS at T-3. I had the chance to do all the Flash actionscripting after receiving the comps from the Art Director, and this is what we came up with… Link: outofthebox.ups.com.
Starcraft 2 is coming out
Thats right, Starcraft II is finally in the works. After almost 10 years after the first release of Starcraft they finally decided to put their act together and get us the new version. Can’t Wait! Link: www.starcraft2.com
Trace selected text with TextMate
That is right, thanks to the guys from TextMate and their help I was able to get a small Macro that will trace the selected word in Flash. What I mean is this: 1. Select a word 2. Run the Macro 3. the word you selected will appear in the next line as follows: trace(“the […]
Complex Array combo
I haven’t tested this kind of array usage against the processor so I am not sure how intensive it is but it definitely helps in case you want to keep your arrays very descriptive and you don’t want to do a search on the array every-time you need a certain node. So the regular way […]
Password protected flash site Class
After seeing so many people requesting help with the easy Username and Password method for Flash I decided to write a small class. Granted UserName and Password verification shouldn’t be taken slightly, but many times you just want to make a section of your site “Pass Protected with flash”, and in reality this is a […]
Posting from Textmate
This is the main entry
New launch
I just finished a small website to show case some of the work I have been involved with for the past several years. Multimedia247 – http://www.multimedia247.com
Welcome FABridge – A combination of Flash and AJAX
Adobe makes peace with Ajax 9th March 2006 By CBR Staff Writer Seeking to ride the Ajax wave, Adobe Systems is to announce that it wants to make friends, rather than compete with, the increasingly popular grassroots rich internet client framework. Adobe will release FABridge, which stands for Flash-Ajax bridge. Specifically, FABridge will allow JavaScript […]