The boring part: Log in to Rackspace and spin a new server with Centos 5.5 and most basic settings. We will be doing this with root so this setup will be for testing only and no production. The fun part: $ yum install httpd php php-mysql mysql-server unzip nano php-xml php-gd (NOTE: php-xml and php-gd […]
Month: May 2011
via DestroyTwitter
How do you install Vim plugins? – Wikianswers – Find and edit the best answers. How to? What? Is it? Can I? Where is?
The “plugin” directory is for plugins that should always be loaded whenever Vim starts. These define global commands, interface tweaks, or new functionality useful for all or many file types. The “ftplugin” directory is for filetype-specific plugins, such as autocompletion or highlight-errors-as-you-edit plugins. The “syntax” directory is for updated syntax highlighting rules specific to a […]
Command Center: Nerd tree Tips
> (a)dd a childnode(m)ove the curent node(d)elete the curent node(c)copy the current node m + c on the folder would duplicate it How to jump back to NERDTree from file in tab? ctrl-ww via NERDTree moving from file in tab.
Fake – Mac OS X Web Browser Automation and Webapp Testing Made Simple.
Fake is a new browser for Mac OS X that makes web automation simple. Fake allows you to drag discrete browser Actions into a graphical Workflow that can be run again and again without human interaction. The Fake Workflows you create can be saved, reopened, and shared. Inspired by Apple’s Automator application, Fake looks like […]
Django Debug Toolbar 0.8 on Vimeo
via Yes, I am working on Django and I need a way to debug. This tool seems very interesting.