WordPress VS Drupal Creating Content

One (if not the most) important subject in any CMS is going to be creating content. You want to be able to allow you user to create content quickly and efficiently, while at the same time the developer wants control over how the content is going to be displayed in the front end. Creating content […]

WordPress 2.7 Demo From Matt Mullenweg

WordPress Vs Drupal Installation

Download and installation for both was a breeze. Granted Drupal gave me a little bit more of problem since I had to create new directories and set the right permissions to the newly created directory and a settings file. On the other side I also had to create a file in WordPress directory. Here are […]

WordPress VS Drupal Intro

WordPress VS Drupal has been done, I know. Just by running a simple query in Google you will get a lot of information in the subject but for me it was still not quite what I was looking for. For one thing, I don’t know much about the people who made the reviews or their […]

JQuery and dynamic elements

I have been working with JQuery on a couple of work and personal projects and I really like the library. One of my first challenges was to access elements dynamically and at the same time trigger custom events. This is specially necessary when working with elements where you don’t know the source of the data […]