Terminal Helpful Hints

Repeat last command !! Double bang!! And your last command is executed alias=”” Set a “shortcut” to most common commands. photo credit: kirainet

Github helpful hints

Save your password in the system’s Keychain: GitHub’s help also suggests that if you’re on Mac OS and used homebrew to install git, you can use the native Mac OS keystore with: git config –global credential.helper osxkeychain src: SO photo credit: Nat W | cc

Almost 3 Million users affected by the latest hack to Adobe.

Today Adobe released a bulletin stating that 2.9 million Adobe customer’s data has been stolen from their systems: Our investigation currently indicates that the attackers accessed Adobe customer IDs and encrypted passwords on our systems. We also believe the attackers removed from our systems certain information relating to 2.9 million Adobe customers, including customer names, encrypted […]