So I was running in to the following problem: **Warning** The linkage identifier ‘RewindBtn’ was already assigned to the symbol ‘FLVPlayer_assets/Buttons/Rewind’, and cannot be assigned to the symbol ‘FLVPlayer_assets/Buttons/Rewind’, since linkage identifiers must be unique. But in reallity I only had 1 button called Rewind with the Link ID of RewindBtn and nothing else. I […]
Month: November 2006
Short hand for If Statement
a = b ? true : false; a == b ? (true1, true2) : false
Exporting from Illustrator to SWF “bug”
If you are exporting any artwork from Illustrator to SWF and when working in Flash and player 7(or less) you might get the following error “Enhanced stroke is not supported in this player”. One way to fix this issue is by setting “Perserve Editability Where Possible” under the Method section. Now this might not work […]