Removiing a Movie Clip on Stage with AS

[as]//A square with id = square //A simple button named mca that removes the attached MCs this.attachMovie(“square”, “square1”,1); this.attachMovie(“square”, “square2”,2); square2._x =100; mca.onRelease = function() { square1.removeMovieClip(); square2.removeMovieClip(); }[/as]

After a long brake

As many of you know, for a while I was away from message boards. but I am back to help a few of the newbies out there. Also I am looking forward to update the Flash Bits section along with the PHP and DW bits.

Create Text Field FlashMX 106 (lets have fun!)

[as] hDistance = 20; vDistance = 0; buttonsInfo = new Array(“About Us”, “Contact Us”, “Gallery One”, “Gallery Two”, “Gallery Three”, “Visual”, “Guest”, “Clients”, “Account”, “Search”); textDesign = new TextFormat(); textDesign.font = “Arial”; textDesign.size = 15; textDesign.bullet = false; textDesign.underline = true; textDesign.url = “”; for (i =0;i<10;i++){ this.createTextField(“textHolder”+i, i, 120+(i*vDistance),120+(i*hDistance),100,19); this[“textHolder”+i].text = buttonsInfo[i]; this[“textHolder”+i].border = […]

Create Text Fields FlashMX 105 (with Borders)

hDistance = 20 vDistance = 0 buttonsInfo = new Array(“About Us”, “Contact Us”, “Gallery One”, “Gallery Two”, “Gallery Three”, “Visual”, “Guest”, “Clients”, “Account”, “Search” ) for (i =0;i

Creating a Text Field FlashMX 103

hDistance = 20 vDistance = 0 for (i =0;i

Create A Text Field FlashMX 102

for (i =0;i

TextFields 101 FlashMX

this.createTextField(“textHolder”, 1, 120,120,100,19); this.textHolder.text = “hello Helmut”;

Push an Array Flash MX

Me = new Array(“Helmut”); FullName = Me.push(“Granda”); trace(“FullName: ” + Me[0] + ” ” + Me[1]);

Multy Dimensional Arrays 101 Flash MX

Name = new Array () Name.First = new Array (“Helmut”,”Flash”); Name.Last = new Array (“Granda”,”MX”); trace (“FIrst Name: ” +Name.First[0]); trace (“Last Name: ” + Name.Last[0]); trace(“Full Name: ” + Name.First[0] + ” ” + Name.Last[0]); trace (“FIrst Name: ” +Name.First[1]); trace (“Last Name: ” + Name.Last[1]); trace(“Full Name: ” + Name.First[1] + ” ” […]

Arrays in Flash MX

Name = new Array (“Helmut”, “Granda”); trace (“FIrst Name: ” +Name[0]); trace (“Last Name: ” + Name[1]); trace(“Full Name: ” + Name[0] + ” ” + Name[1]);